Notify that the registration was not successful
Project registration we won from 29 Jan '64 until 1 Feb '64 at 6:00 pm with more than 8.05 million registered citizens.
Registered citizens can check the eligibility status through the website www. We won. Com from February 8, '64, after qualifying screening. You can download the wallet app and verify your face to activate the app. And use the right limit in the project, we can win from February 18, 64 onwards
As for those who were notified that the registration was not successful You can register again immediately after receiving SMS notification until 12 Feb '64 if anyone is interested in participating. Can apply to join the project, we won until 31 Mar. 64
However, where registrants often enter personal information incorrectly, use checks as follows:
Do not include a prefix.
Correct spelling of first-last name
Entering the ID card number is not all 13 digits
Do not put a hyphen between the numbers.
Tick the check mark in the box for specific year of birth, but do not enter year of birth.
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