The case was over. The rescuer went to find his girlfriend in the room.


In the case of Tiktok user kunmali_25, he posted a 3.18 minute clip in which the clip features a joking conversation with a rescuer. who just came back from looking for a girlfriend in the room to surprise his girlfriend Instead, he was surprised by his girlfriend by bringing another man into the room together.

Most recently, on January 12, 65, the news team contacted Miss Kratae, 21 years old, ex-girlfriend of Mr. Ekkarat Thaiyu or King, 33 years old, rescued together with gratitude. man in tik tok clip by Miss Kratae revealed over the phone that I myself do not want to be interviewed. I want everything to end like this

Ms. Kratae said that he and Mr. King were only talking to each other. Which has been talked about for about 5-6 months, but the relationship between them and Mr. King I myself can't tell whether I agree to be a lover or not. When we talked to Mr. King in the beginning, Mr. King still had a boyfriend. until he broke up with his girlfriend and went on a date with someone else but still talking to him causing him to be confused as to what is right between him and Mr. King

The events of that day Mr. King tried to ask to come to his room. But he already said that he was tired from working since the morning. and actually slept until around 10 p.m. when Mr. King came to his room but he did not let him enter the room He had already told Mr. King that the man in the bathroom was his girlfriend. which the elder man did not secretly or hide in the bathroom at all He had gone to the bathroom before Mr. King was already here. And this fan has been in his room for several days.

Ms. Kratae said that she had watched the clip on Tik Tok and listened to everything. There were some points that were not true. But he didn't want to say anything more. because on the day of his incident, he asked Mr. King to finish and begged him not to interfere with him again.

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